Discover our solutions and products.

Motion analysis solutions

Dedicated to:

  • sports coaches, individual athletes, healthcare clinicians and practitioners.


  • analyze and improve athletes' movement and technical skills
  • diagnose mobility and reduce injuries

Game analysis solutions

Dedicated to:

  • team sports, clubs, national and international federations and organizations.


  • improve both your game tactics and your team's performance

Solutions for organizations

Dedicated to:

  • sports organizations or federations, clubs, and universities.


  • improve athlètes & team performance
  • provide valuable video resources for coaches, officials, and fans.

비디오 성능 분석을 위한 사용하기 쉬운 모바일 솔루션

훈련 중 퍼포먼스를 평가하고 개선 하기 위한 라이브 비디오 솔루션

Video analysis across all devices.

Get straight to the point. Grab what you need from longer videos.

실시간 영상 촬영 및 분석 솔루션

The complete solution for video performance analysis (resulting from our professional solution).

현존하는 최고의 영상 분석 솔루션

The best video & data analysis solution in the market.

축구의 지연된 경기 분석을 위한 입문용 솔루션.

실시간 축구 경기력 분석을 위한 완벽한 솔루션입니다.

The all-in-one solution for tennis analysis.

The all-in-one solution for softball or baseball analysis.

The advanced analysis solution for baseball-softball teams.

독점 컨텐츠에 접속하여 관심있는 비디오를 찾아내고 평가하십시오.

자동화 된 데이터 및 비디오 분석을 통해 팀 의사결정을 실시간으로 평가

The most advanced tool for live motion analysis, including multi-view, data integration, simulcam and stromotion.

객관성, 정확성 및 속도를 보여 주어야하는 담당자의 직무 수행을 위한 비디오 판독 솔루션으로 공정성을 지원합니다.

Dedicated to tournament organizers, coaches and federations eager to support fairness in their sporting activity.