Take your swimmer to the next level.

Underline what the video reveals with myDartfish 360.

Start your free trial
Prepare your Baseball & Softball analysis

Prepare your analysis. Easily.

No complex set-up. Import swimming videos from any camera or record with myDartfish Express - your mobile app for instant feedback. Thanks to Smartcloud synchronisation you can have all of your video content in Dartfish 360 software to start your analysis.


Analyze your swimmer. Build your review.

Analyze your swimmer.

An essential component that every athlete on this planet needs is access to video, and Dartfish has been an invaluable tool in the process of helping me turn competitive athletes into National and Olympic Champions. From the early days in the 1990’s the Dartfish team has always listened to the needs of their coaches and their engineers have always gone to great lengths to make sure their product was the cutting edge in this field. The highlight in my mind is the software’s robust ability to manage video and the many tools that I can use to help my athlete see and understand something new. There is no question in my mind that this product has made me a better coach and more able to provide a development environment where my athletes can achieve their dreams.

Jonty Skinner

South African competition swimmer, world record-holder and swimming coach

Share your feedback with the players.

Share your feedback with the players. Immediately.

Keep your work in your secure Smartcloud and give access from anywhere to your team. Create dedicated playlists ready to share.


Take your swimmer to the next level.