사용법과 가이드, 질의응답 및 비디오 자습서를 통해 Dartfish를 최대한 활용하는 방법에 대하여 알아보십시오.
Club : Entente Sportive Besançon Féminine (ESBF) L’Entente Sportive Besançon Féminine (ESBF) utilise depuis plusieurs saisons les solutions d’analyse... > 계속 알아보기
Dartfish is thrilled to unveil its all-new Dartfish TV platform, designed to provide the ultimate user experience to athletes, coaches, and analysts. Dartfish... > 계속 알아보기
ESBF (The Entente Sportive Besançon Féminine) Handball The Entente Sportive Besançon Féminine (ESBF) has been using Dartfish video analysis solutions for... > 계속 알아보기
Video analysis has revolutionized sports, making tactic planning improvement and performance enhancement possible for every team. With video analysis solutions,... > 계속 알아보기
In 2019, during a soccer match that had fans on the edge of their seats, Liverpool made an epic comeback against Barcelona in the UEFA Champions League... > 계속 알아보기
Hating the inaccuracy of hand times? Are you unable to justify expensive timing equipment on a small budget? Coach Joe Davidson has fantastic news. ... > 계속 알아보기
UMIMPLAVAT.CZ, SWIMMING ANALYSIS COMPANY Umimplavat.cz is a swimming analysis company that provides race and technical analyses, along with general biomechanical... > 계속 알아보기
Revolutionizing ice hockey analytics, KINEXON Sports and Dartfish join forces, merging cutting-edge player and puck tracking technologies. This... > 계속 알아보기
Listen to the interview with Head coach Park Kwonil of the Gangwon State para sports association Wheelchair Curling Team, who won two consecutive championships... > 계속 알아보기
We met Nicolas Chappuis, the team’s video analyst and his players during their qualifying campaign for Euro 2025. At the end of this first qualifying... > 계속 알아보기