모든 워크 플로우에 대한 비디오 분석

Dartfish for Organizations

End-to-end sports video analysis solutions to manage the performance efficiently within your organization.

International Ice Hockey Federation
International Handball Federation
Deutscher Eishockey-Bund
Fédération Française de Cyclisme
Fédération française de handball
English Institue of Sport
International Ski Federation
National Strength and Conditioning Association
US Rowing
USA Fencing
USTA Tennis
United World Wrestling
British Gymnastics
International Weightlifting Federation

Solutions for All Your Organizations Needs


챔피언의 그룹으로 들어오십시오


평창동계올림픽 메달리스트의 약 72%가 다트피쉬 사용자 입니다.


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