White paper about video analysis in track and field

Use Video and Data to Maximize Track and Field Athletes’ Performance.

Although lots of track and field coaches think that analyzing their athletes' performance thanks to video is beneficial, most of them avoid them either because they think they are too time-consuming and resource-intensive, or because they have had bad experiences with complicated tools in the past.

This comprehensive paper shows you how to set up video analysis in your club or university in an efficient and non-disruptive manner.

Download this document to learn:

  • how to set up a video analysis system,
  • how to set clear analysis expectations and objectives,
  • how to measure the performance of your athletes,
  • how to evaluate the results and adapt your action plan.
Oliver Curdy

"I'm a professional Sports Performance Consultant; I work with athletes at all levels as well as teams in various sports.

I also help coaches to implement performance analysis solutions for their athletes and teams."

Oliver Curdy — Sports Performance Consultant

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