Bringing the invisible to light

By utilizing our cutting-edge technology within our Pro solution, you can unlock the full potential of your team by efficiently determining the areas of improvement that will produce game winning success. Our Pro Solution emphasizes player development, game preparation, and in-depth analysis of practice and game performance.

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myDartfish Baseball Softball PRO

MyDartfish Baseball-Softball PRO solution is a high-value and affordable solution for baseball and softball programs. Join the ranks of elite teams that have embraced our technology and experience the transformative power of our cutting-edge solution. Together, let's create a winning team that dominates the competition.

Live or Post-game Tagging
Live or Post-game Tagging
Dynamic Game Reports
Dynamic Game Reports
Automated Video Playlist
Automated Video Playlist
Personal Cloud
Personal Cloud

Tag your Games or Practice Efficiently and Quickly

  • Chart pitcher and hitter information live or post-game/practice with our user-friendly baseball and softball bullpen, game, intersquad and defensive tagging panels.

Analyze Team & Players' Performance

  • Gain valuable insights into your team and players' performance with interactive visual reports directly linked to your video. Unlock a deeper understanding of your game and make data-driven decisions.

Identify Deficiencies and Teach the Right Technique

  • By analyzing player movements our technology uncovers valuable insights that drive continuous improvement.
  • Observe techniques using overlay, side-by-side comparison, and from different angles simultaneously.
  • Teach the correct skill improvement with your players using 2D and 3D drawings, voice over and annotations.

Easily Generate Video Playlists

  • Filter the key events you want to analyze.
  • Watch, share and teach using the auto-generated playlist.
  • Use the playlist in team meetings or remotely on mobile devices.

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Case Studies

Precious advices from baseball and softball coaches and video analyst experts.

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